Transport Arrivals halls of Szczecin Airport
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Getting to Pomerania

There are many ways to reach the Pomeranian Region in Northern Poland. Whether by road, rail, sea or air, there are always various quick and save options to travel from many places in Europe to Pomerania.

Arriving by car

Polish roads have the reputation to be poor and dangerous. However, recent heavy investments in the improvement of roads and highways have made reaching and driving through the northern part of Poland much more enjoyable. The E75 motorway from Warsaw to Gdansk is nearing completion, and also the E28 from Szczecin via Koszalin to Gdansk is being improved. 

Arriving by train

The northern part of Poland has an extensive netwerk of railroads. Pretty much every city and town in Pomerania can be reached by train. And most cities have direct connections with main destinations in Poland and Germany such as Warsaw, Cracow, Poznan, and Berlin. 

Arrving by ferry

Swinoujscie and Gdynia are the main harbours of Poland, from which a number of ferries depart to Denmark, Sweden and Finland. Also Gdansk and Kolobrzeg have a port with ferry connections across the Baltic Sea.
Read more about ferries from Northern Poland

Arrving by plane

In Northern Poland there are 4 airports that are served by a numerous airlines, Gdansk Airport is the largest airport in the region, but also from Szczecin, Bydgoszcz and Poznan there is an ever increasing number of destinations that can be reached by regular or lowcost airlines. Also the airports of Berlin are within acceptable distance of Pomerania.
Read more about airports in Northern Poland